You are hereAt the end of 2011.

At the end of 2011.

Now I was counting what we had in this year 2011 with our dogs.
3 Internationale champions : ICH Rockwell Number One Winner, ICH. Armadale's Leader of the Game, ICH Bravo to Rockwell A.B..
3 Hungarian Champions: Armadale's Leader of the Game, Bravo to Rockwell A.B.,HCH Rockwell Pom-pom
2 Romanian Champion: Rockwell Viking from the master, Rockwell Viva la Master,
1 Serbian Champion: Rockwell Popeye
2 Hungarian Junior champion: Rockwell Enjoy, Zenith of Rockwell Fanfan
1 Österreichische Junior champion Zenith of Rockwell Fanfan.
We have a young puppy in Israel she got several times best Baby results , the owner: Nili Amrani. Congratulations to all of them, and we wish the same good results in the New Year!

Ch. Rockwell Viking from the Master is the 10 th place on the westieshownewsworldwilde in 2011. Between the adult males he is the 6th.